Saturday, January 10, 2015

THE DANGER IN DOING OPEN MICS: All your jokes are about your vagina??? Read this

It could be all in my head but it feels like the energy changes every time I get on stage at a open mic. It’s like I’m being tested and judged over and over again by the same people, same open micers. Honestly it’s hard enough to do an open mic with 17 dudes who have no interests in my jokes unless my pussy is involved. So why don’t you guys start giving female comics a break?? I seriously don’t want to write pussy jokes to get your attention, what’s your excuse?

I don’t get those comics who would do anything not to “bomb at a mic”, those comics who pay $5 to get up and were waiting over an hour and end up doing inside jokes just to cater to open micers crowd #creek&cave. WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE??? Why are you wasting everybody’s time?? YES don’t get me wrong, sometimes “killing” at a mic feels like you just killed at a show in the hood, you made comedians laugh (!!), that’s a great feeling but how come you didn't do none of your jokes? Sometimes I open my set with my “best” joke just to see how judgmental is this open mic. Then I can tell if they’re with me or against me. I get that sometimes we don’t feel like doing jokes, and “waste” it over a open mic but the last thing you wanna do is try something brand new with a real crowd and then eat your ass. Sure at some point you have enough stage time to try new stuff with real crowd but if that was the case you wouldn't read this blog.

My first 2-3 years I averaged about 15-20 mics a week. Until I started doing shows on a regular basis and realized how much of my material is going to trash because I don’t get an honest response at a mic. One of my fav jokes which I close my act sometimes didn’t get ANYTHING at a open mic, and that was a wake up call for me to start trusting myself with what I believe is funny and not looking for confirmation from a buncha dudes. December was a good month for me, I had over 20 shows, almost all sold out and the more I got in front of real people the less I wanted to deal with open mics.

There’s no such thing bombing at a open mic. There’s no such thing bombing at a open mic. There’s no such thing bombing at a open mic. There’s no such thing bombing at a open mic. There’s no such thing bombing at a open mic. There’s no such thing bombing at a open mic. I have to tell myself that too. WHY you don’t bomb at a open mic??? We all run the same circles, we hear each others joke again and again, I might find it funny but you won’t get a laugh at this point when I already heard it 3 times. Also comics are just waiting to get up and not necessarily focus on the things you wrote today. There’re so many reason why comics don’t laugh from other comics, could be jealousy, could be not giving a fuck and it could be your delivery.. but whatever it is it’s not because you bombed.

The best thing to do to get out of this open mic circle is produce your own show or network like a motha fucka. It’s NYC there’e like 10 shows at least at every bar with a stage, it might not be the best show u’ll do but it would be healthier than a open mic. Don’t get stack on this open mic circle, it’s unhealthy, it’s discouraging, and competitive (which could be a good thing but not in this case). It’s easy to get on but with just a little bit more effort you can get on a real show.
Sorry this wasn’t funny at all. But honestly I DON’T GIVE A FUCK.
Yours truly

1 comment:

  1. Most open mics do not subscribe to the saying about any stage time is good stage time. I have found that there is little to no "training" for me at open mics. I have had more growth and positive feedback at booked gigs. I produce only booked shows and will leave a spot open for a newby.
